The Life of Bhupi Sherchan: Poetry and Politics in Post-Rana Nepal – Michael Hutt (Oxford University Press)

In The Life of Bhupi Sherchan: Poetry and Politics in Post-Rana Nepal, Michael J. Hutt chronicles the life of the well-known Nepali poet, Bhupi Sherchan, whose poems are closely interwoven with the social, cultural, and political milieu of the region. Including a generous sampling of Bhupi Sherchan’s poetry in English translation, the volume offers insights into the poet’s life as a participant and a commentator on the processes of societal change. The around 60 poems in English translation are accompanied by detailed footnotes and the poems are arranged to coincide with the periods of the poet’s life that produced them. With biographical information for the book drawn from both published sources as well as interviews with Bhupi Sherchan’s friends, wives, offsprings, and other relations, the volume includes around 40 rare photographs.